Adjudicator Nominating Body - what we do.

An adjudicator nominating body appoints adjudicators to help bring resolution to a dispute arising under a construction contract. There are many of them around and parties are free to approach them to help them appoint an adjudicator. We take a look under the hatch of to see what it is all about and how it works in practice.

The Adjudicator Nominating Body ("ANB") dedicated to the Engineering and Construction Contract documents is . The NEC is a family, of standard contracts which can be used in a wide variety of commercial situations. NEC is a division of Thomas Telford Limited, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Institution of Civil Engineers ("ICE") the owner and developer of of the NEC. The ANB is wholly unconnected with the developer/author of NEC. Independence is an important feature of the work of the nominating body (ANB) and so too the adjudicator.

This is how nominates: -

  • It is open to either party to any NEC contract to ask to appoint an adjudicator:
    • When a dispute or difference of opinion has arisen;
    • When is identified in the NEC document as the nominating body, OR
    • When no ANB is identified or
    • By agreement between the parties
  • There is no fee for nomination.
  • Once a request is made, a "Scrutineer" is appointed.  It is the Scrutineer's job to immediately establish the character of the dispute.  The reason for this is to identify the most appropriate adjudicator.  The Scrutineer will listen to the parties as to whom they each think is best suited.  But the ultimate decision remains that of the Scrutineer
  • The Scrutineer is also a very experienced adjudicator (but will not be the adjudicator this time). is well aware that it takes in depth knowledge of adjudication and the NEC documents when choosing who to appoint.  We do not regard this as a mere administrative or pot-luck choice.
  • Who are the adjudicators?
    • All are hugely experienced.
    • All are "known".
    • There is no closed panel of adjudicators.
    • We listen to your suggested names.
    • All know their construction and engineering.
    • All know adjudication.
    • All know NEC.
    • All are dedicated to independence of thought and the spirit of 'high-speed' adjudication.

Contact: has contact details or you can contact Tony Bingham direct.